Thursday, June 27, 2013

Books in Homes Wiley Park Public School Presentation

On Monday I had the pleasure of visiting Wiley Park Public School for their Books In Homes Assembly.  This is a fabulous program which allows students to select books that they get to take home and keep.  Books are given at the end of Term 1, 2 and 4 just before the school holidays.  Librarian extraordinaire, Gillian Maugle is an inspiration.  She was responsible, with her students for making the Books In Homes mascot and her library is somewhere that you just want to be.

I had a ball talking to the K-2 students first then the 3-6 children.  They were engaged and attentive and it was a lot of fun.  I was so impressed to hear their diverse range of ambitions from doctors and paramedics to postal workers and policemen.

Congratulations to Books In Homes and the University of Western Sydney for their support of this fantastic initiative.  As you can see from the photos - the children were thrilled to receive their books.

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