Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New friends from around the World

It's been an amazing couple of days with emails coming from around the world from parents of girls who are enjoying the Alice-Miranda and Clementine Rose stories and from the children who are reading them too.  It's so gratifying as a writer to know that the books are being read and enjoyed.  I had no idea that Alice-Miranda had found her way to Sweden into the hands of a little girl called Isabella, who dressed up as Alice-Miranda At Sea for her school book day.  She also sent me a photograph of her reading the book while she was on mid term break in Dubai.  I then received an email from the mother of Tess, whose school we had visited in Windsor UK.  She has been reading the Alice-Miranda books but was really taken with Clementine Rose, and despite the books not yet being released in the UK, Tess dressed up as Clemmie, complete with Lavender the pig, for World Book Day.  I couldn't have imagined any of this not so long ago. 

This morning I received an email from a girl in Southampton who told me  I ve read the first book, Alice-Miranda At School and it is the best book I've ever read.  I've now got Alice-Miranda On Holiday and Alice-Miranda At Sea...I'm reading On Holiday now. I love your description in your books...

I'm so grateful and humbled by the fact that children enjoy the stories.  It makes me want to write more and more - and tour more and more as well.  Next week I'm off to Melbourne with the lovely Zoe from Random House visiting 11 schools, two public libraries and one bookstore for an after school event.  It's going to be flat out and I can't wait. 

In the meantime there is Clementine Rose and the Farm Fiasco to get underway.  So, no time to blog - best get on with it.

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