Friday, March 8, 2013

Chatsworth International School Singapore

Thursday was a busy day.  After we finished up at Eton House and had some lunch we drove back into the city to visit Chatsworth International School.  It's literally right in the centre of town, a stone's throw from where we were staying in Scott's Road.  I was excited to visit the school - especially as it shares its name with my favourite English palace - Chatsworth House in Bakewell.

We were greeted warmly yet again - everyone in Singapore is so friendly and I was looking forward to meeting the children.  The library staff had made lovely welcome and thank you displays and there were three little girls in the library who were putting the finishing touches to a very glittery poster.  They giggled a lot when I arrived and later it was a pleasure to sign their books and bookmarks.

I met with the Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 students.  They were so enthuisastic and I was wishing for longer than the allotted 30 minutes each.  The children loved the drama activities and responded so well.  My final session of the day saw a return visit from Grade 1 who had recently had their own book published.  They had fabulous questions for me - it was their opportunity to do an 'author interview'.

The school is again much smaller than some of the others but has a great atmosphere and feels like a big family.  The Principal is Canadian and as always there is a diverse mix of students and staff.

I had a great day, although it had been particularly warm and I was really looking forward to a swim back at the hotel - so I abandoned my blog posts for the afternoon and did just that.

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