Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Newcastle Church High School

We met the lovely Kirstie and Kristine from Waterstone's in Newcastle in the morning at what has to be one of the most gorgeous book stores I've seen.  The building is stunning and the shop is beautifully arranged over many floors.  We received a very warm welcome on what proved an epecially cold day.  It started snowing early on and didn't stop - much to our great delight and I'm sure everyone else's annoyance.  We headed off to meet the girls of Newcastle Church High School in a beautiful part of the town.  The girls and staff were delighful and we had a wonderful time meeting everyone.  It was lovely watching the snow flakes fall and settle on the tennis court outside as I talked to the children.

Before I started the talk, the school had organised to take some photographs for their publications so I had a great time working out how we would set up some shots with four of the girls.  I will upload the photograph once I find it again!

I wished I could have stayed longer!

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