Monday, February 18, 2013

Kinnaird Primary School, Kinnaird near Glasgow

My first visit to a school in Glasgow also happened to be the first time an author has visited the very new and beautiful Kinnaird Primary School.  I have been fascinated to see inside Scottish primary schools as they enjoy an excellent reputation with the Australian education community and I was certainly impressed.  The teachers were so welcoming and the children were great fun to work with - although I did have to apologise a couple of times for my hearing - which obviously wasn't completely in tune with their sometimes broad Scottish accents.  Hearing the children pronounce the full name of Alice-Miranda's best friend, Millicent Jane McLaughlin-McTavish-McNoughton-McGill was like music.

I talked to Year 4-7 in their gymnasium which doubles as a hall and had a great time intoducing Alice-Miranda.  The little girl who acted out the role of the school's second best tantrum thrower was hilarious and had the poor little boy who was trying to befriend her, running for cover.

It was lovely to sign the books for the children at the end and we even had the local newspaper journalist come and take photos for a story.  One little girl looked particularly like Alice-Miranda and posed beautifully - I hope to find the picture in the newspaper soon and will add a link to the blog. 


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